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Multifunctional Living room design part 1

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living room design ideas with small apartment

Design - interior design apartment is designed for a young couple. living Room design ideas were born on the basis of some of the furniture and decorative elements, which were among the customers. In the interior of the living room, we used the desktop, which was among the customers. The tabletop is made of glass inscribed with the words in different languages. The same print on the wall, we repeated the aubergine color in the work area. It should be noted that the living room has three functional areas: the work area with a large desk, a zone where there is a bar and a bar, and a relaxation area, socializing, watching TV with a corner sofa and a rack for the equipment, books, CD's.
Multifunctional Living room design part 2
Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design

Multifunctional Living room design Living room  with a place to sleep

Multifunctional Living room design Living room  with a place to sleep

Multifunctional Living room design Living room  with a place to sleep

Multifunctional Living room design Living room  with a place to sleep

Multifunctional Living room design Turquoise Living room  in LCD

Multifunctional Living room design Turquoise Living room  in LCD

Multifunctional Living room design Turquoise Living room  in LCD

Multifunctional Living room design Turquoise Living room  in LCD

Multifunctional Living room design 
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